Those are part of the wonderful people that attended the Raw Fun Family Camp from 31 May - 6 June 2009 in Germany:

Raw Fun Family Camp in spring 2009 in Germany
There once was a Mom feeling to give to this planet and created raw food family camps for children, their parents and everybody else from 0 – 100+ years old to form a tribe so one can see and experience with like-minded friends how great you can feel eating fresh produce…and with support from a community :). There are between 40 and 100 people every time. Now the 4th camp is over and the 5th is coming in just a few days - yippeeee! All of them love it and many come back every year again.
To give you a quick look into our tribal life just follow me and I will show you :).
The morning air was filled with blender sounds ;)…after picking wild edibles many transformed them into delicious green smoothies ;). Well nourished and relaxed we started the day with a happy get-together (singing, games, meditation). It was lots of fun.
During the mornings we also had very interesting lectures about ecological building and living (e.g. what paints and materials to use in order to protect yourself from all those harmful radiations around us like cell phones, cordless phones, wireless computers, etc.), organic clothes, unconditional basic income, the love teachings of a Hawaiian called Ho’onoponopono and cooperation with nature where we all lerned in amazement how to communicate with nature and love! It was a very interesting and eye-opening experience to learn to communicate with your snails, mosquitoes, tics and other animals and plants in order to live in peace with them and within you as you are the cause of every imbalances in and around you!!! I do highly recommend this one as peace on earth can only start with ourselves!! Make peace with all those little and big critters and learn to love every plant as they all have a purpose and are more than happy to talk and cooperate to you :). I will write more about it soon!
After lunch we’ve had time to answer all those questions moms, dads and singles have, went swimming in the near-by river or played games with the children. Some went on bike rides or on hikes. Nature around there was so beautiful. The first cherries were gone quick along the way ;). Often the meadows were visited by some strange looking two-legged “cows” – it was funny and nice to pick and eat with others ;).
Dinner was usually eaten together again and we enjoyed time together around the fire, candles or rooms (depending on the weather). We laughed, sang, played games or just had plain fun :).
Faster than I wanted the time was over again and we were sad to leave but filled with great experienes. This year for the first time we have two camps and the next one is coming in just a few days – so, something to look forward again :))).
At the end a happy group left with lots of emotions and experiences which will carry them through the next months (or until we meet again ;)…). Thanks to all of them this one again was an amazing time we won’t ever forget.
I also filmed a lot. I am making a film out of it and will let you know as soon as it's done :) you can get a better feeling for it!!
Till then,
I love you all!
Sonja - with bright smiles of happiness on her face thinking about the camps :)
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