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02 December 2011

How to make a lantern :)

Today, I wanted to let you be part of a fun thing you can do with your children. How to make a lantern! The season is just perfect to do all kinds of lanterns. This is one idea. Of course, you can do everything you can imagine... Make a similar one with Christmas pattern for example.

So here is how it goes:

Create a stencil of the shape you want.
Cut out the shape completely and copy the shape on the piece of carton you want.

Finished it looks like that.

Now, cut the filling shape out of transparent paper and glue it in.

Choose a picture (or create one with colored paper/carton) and glue in on the side pieces.

Next, cut rectangular pieces (as the middle part for the lantern), bend the corners and cut slits in them. Make sure you measure the length of the lantern first (so you know how long the middle piece has to be) and find the middle of it before folding (so it's even later on the lantern). Also, make sure the middle piece is wide enough for a candle not touching the sides.
Now, glue the middle piece into the lantern.

When you have done both sides it should look like that.
Find something that looks like that to connect a candle in it...or create something similar yourself ;).
Candle surely seated in lantern. There is no way now it can fall. If you don't want to use candles: In Germany you can get battery operated lantern lights, too. But it also works if you put one of those lighting sticks in there.

Last, add a holding stick and a wire so you can carry the lantern around.

That#s what it looks like finished :). Go and have fun with it!

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